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The Goal of ATM Service is Increased Uptime

The best ATM service is that which results in the most amount of uptime possible. Although technology will inevitably have glitches, the best service reduces the amount of time that the machine is out of use. Furthermore, advancements and upgrades should not be annoyance to employees. Updates should be able to be performed with little interruption to daily business. Branch managers searching for the best ATM service should be looking for the best maintenance company, not the best repair company.

Fleet Monitoring is Necessary for ATM Service

Remote maintenance is not a question when it comes to ATM service. It’s a must. For one, remote access allows the service company to detect issues faster. Ideally, potential problems will be identified and rectified before any customers attempt to use the machine. This also means it is fixed before employees need to spend time problem-solving or calling for help. Maintaining fintech in a way that optimizes uptime isn’t a bonus, it should be a baseline.

ATM service companies also need remote access in order to apply patches, perform updates, and revise software. Fintech is one place where security upgrades need to happen as soon as they are available. Microsoft Security Patch Updates, for example, are an important part of all fintech service and are best done remotely. PCI compliance is another task that needs to be maintained at all times. Every update needs to be acknowledged and completed promptly. One other thing remote access can do is what every piece of technology needs to be able to do after repairs; reboot. There is no need to require a service technician to be on-site for every restart.

Lastly, remote ATM service often comes with electronic journal retrieval and storage. Customers are able to review diagnostic logs and service history. Most ATM service companies offer their clients a portal where they can access their company’s history, submit a form for request for service, and communicate with the service company.

All of this remote access leads to reduced downtime, less on-site visits, and increased branch productivity. Upgrades and bug fixes are essential in keeping fintech efficient. What isn’t necessary, is an on-site visit from a technician every time. Real-time monitoring means real-time fixes, but sometimes a repair requires more.

Ease of Access to Parts Leads to Faster Break-Fix Time

In the odd instance where the repair cannot be performed remotely, on-site repairs need to happen quickly. There are a few things an ATM service company can have that makes this possible. One is a fleet of service vehicles. There might not be anything worse than calling for assistance and being told that you are third in line for the technician. The more technicians and vehicles available, the faster the break-fix time. Another thing that helps reduce repair wait times is a large warehouse full of parts and machines. Even if the repair technician can get to you quickly, if they don’t have the necessary parts available to them, their speed is irrelevant. Manufacturer trained technicians that are armed with real-time information regarding the problem arrive faster with relevant materials and reduce downtime drastically. Every branch manager knows how detrimental downtime is so striving for 99% uptime is the goal.

Industry Leading ATM Service Results in the Most Uptime


Cartoon of man in suit with smoke coming out of his ears standing in front of out of order cash machine in need of ATM service

On top of the best monitoring and repair services, industry leading ATM service is so much more. Great customer and business relationships are crucial in the financial industry. Trust is a must in these partnerships, in addition to high-quality technology, modern administrative technology, and additional branch supplies. Teller equipment, for example, is an essential group of equipment for any branch with a lobby or customer window. Consider how convenient it would be to purchase things like audio/visual equipment, teller windows, transaction drawers, and custom pneumatic tube delivery systems from an already trusted company, your ATM service company.

Other security products are also better when purchased from a supplier that is already shown to be reliable. Items such as safes and vaults, night depositories, safe deposit boxes, and undercounter steel are essential to every successful branch. The best ATM service company offers these products with customization options to ensure everything is just right for each and every client.

Fintech in addition to the ATM are just as important. The more fintech found in a branch, the more efficient it is. Teller cash recyclers help tellers reduce transaction times in the lobby while ATMs and ITMs help cut-down on lobby lines themselves. Finding an ATM service company that can help all parts of your branch isn’t a pipe dream. These companies do exist and your branch deserves industry leading fintech service and supplies in order to experience as much uptime as possible.